Simple CPU v1a: TTL


Previously, i avoided making a TTL version (Link) of the SimpleCPU processor, taking the easy route and used CPLDs in the bread board implementation (Link). However, a TTL implementation is a rights of passage and has to be built :). The motivation to build this version of the processor came around when a pile of Logic Constructor boards became available (were going to be dumped), as shown in figure 1. We used these board when we taught electronics in our first year, but, those days are gone :(. This board is not very space efficient, but i decided to uses these to construct a TTL computer as their size was a positive, allowing the construction of "tower computer", stacking these boards to form the sides of a box (rectangle), which i thought would make an interesting display\demo. The aim of this demo was to highlight the hidden complexities within that small lump of silicon we call a computer, to give a better view of the complexities hidden in the FPGA or SCPLD versions.

NOTE, this work had to be paused as there are new H&S restructions where i work meaning i can no longer solder :(.

Figure 1 : Logic Constructor board

Table of Contents

7400 Logic Devices
Architecture \ Instruction-set
ALU : Arithmatic and Logic Unit
PC : Program Counter
ACC : Accumulator
IR : Instruction Register
MUX : Data and Address multiplers
Memory : RAM and ROM
DECODER : Control logic
LED : display board

7400 Logic Devices

Figure 1 : Logic Constructor board

Come world war 3, or the zombie apocalypse, two things will survive cockroachs and systems built with 7400 logic devices (Link). The 7400 logic series came to power in the 1970s, when third generation computers ruled the earth. Originally these ICs e.g. AND, OR, XOR gates etc, were constructed using Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL) (Link), but later were "updated" to use Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) (Link). Personally, i always found the TTL versions almost indestructible, surviving many a mistake. The CMOS version are also very forgiving when compared to modern silicon. However, with big transistors comes "big" costs, and these devices are becoming harder and harder to source. Basic logic gates and buffers are still readily available, pin through board and surface mount versions are easy to obtain. However, the more exotic flavours are now only available on the second-hand market e.g. the 74181 4-bit ALU (Link), shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: 74181 4-bit ALU

For a typical 7400 device, this ALU version used a lot of silicon and would definitely be an option to implement this processor's ALU. However, owing to their short supply, i decided to only use ICs that are still available from main stream suppliers. Therefore, to implement this computer i will be using the following ICs:

The final two ICs in this list are the memory: EPROM for instruction memory and RAM for data memory. These are also getting harder to source, but i have a big box of these from modules long past :).

Architecture \ Instruction-set

Figure 3 : simpleCPU v1a architecture

To simplify hardware construction this version of the processor has a very limited instruction-set, supporting 9 different instructions, shown below (assembly-code : machine-code).

In this instruction syntax X=Not-used, K=Constant and A=Address. The complexity of an instruction is also defined by its addressing mode i.e. not just how much number crunching it does, but how it fetches its operands (data). Again, to simplify the required hardware these instructions are limited to simple addressing modes:

ALU : Arithmatic and Logic Unit

The ALU's implementation is basically the same as the FPGA's version (Link), shown in figure 4. However, to save some space i decided to implement the MUX using tri-state buffers, as building these MUXs from logic would need a significant number of ICs. This tri-state implementation is not strictly speaking "good" design practice as i'm not allowing a "turn-around" time when enabling \ disabling the 74245 buffers i.e. there is a possibility that two drivers could drive different logic values onto the same wire at the same time. However, for the purposes of this demo its good enough (fingers crossed) i.e. the illegal drive state will only be true for a short period of time. The final TTL implementation is shown in figure 4. The eagle schematic file is available here: (Link).

Figure 3 : FPGA ALU (top), ADD_SUB (bottom)

Figure 4 : ALU schematic

Looking at the block diagram in figure 3 we can see that multiplexers are used throughout the processor. A small issue with that is that these 8bit multiplexers use 20pin ICs and we only have two of these sockets per Logic Constructor. Therefore, as the multiplexer function is a fundamental building block i decided to create a daughter board. The schematic and PCB layout of this module is shown in figure 5. Note, another advantage of this approach is it helps reduce the amount of wiring, making this implementation a little more compact.

Figure 5 : Multiplexer module

This board fits into the general purpose 40 pin header located in the top left of the Logic Constructor (originally used for a CPLD board). The inputs and outputs of this board are listed below and shown in figure 6.

  1. GND
  2. A2 - bit 1 - DATA IN Y2
  3. A1 - bit 0 - DATA IN Y2
  4. A8 - bit 7 - DATA IN Y1
  5. A7 - bit 6 - DATA IN Y1
  6. A6 - bit 5 - DATA IN Y1
  7. A5 - bit 4 - DATA IN Y1
  8. A4 - bit 3 - DATA IN Y1
  9. A3 - bit 2 - DATA IN Y1
  10. A2 - bit 1 - DATA IN Y1
  11. A1 - bit 0 - DATA IN Y1
  12. A8 - bit 7 - DATA IN Y0
  13. A7 - bit 6 - DATA IN Y0
  14. A6 - bit 5 - DATA IN Y0
  15. A5 - bit 4 - DATA IN Y0
  16. A4 - bit 3 - DATA IN Y0
  17. A3 - bit 2 - DATA IN Y0
  18. A2 - bit 1 - DATA IN Y0
  19. A1 - bit 0 - DATA IN Y0
  20. VCC
  21. VCC
  22. B1 - bit 0 - DATA OUT
  23. B2 - bit 1 - DATA OUT
  24. B3 - bit 2 - DATA OUT
  25. B4 - bit 3 - DATA OUT
  26. B5 - bit 4 - DATA OUT
  27. B6 - bit 5 - DATA OUT
  28. B7 - bit 6 - DATA OUT
  29. B8 - bit 7 - DATA OUT
  30. A8 - bit 7 - DATA IN Y2
  31. A7 - bit 6 - DATA IN Y2
  32. A6 - bit 5 - DATA IN Y2
  33. A5 - bit 4 - DATA IN Y2
  34. A4 - bit 3 - DATA IN Y2
  35. A3 - bit 2 - DATA IN Y2
  36. B - sel - Decoder
  37. A - sel - Decoder
  38. GND
  39. GND
  40. GND

Figure 6 : Multiplexer module pins

PC : Program Counter

The program counter is made from the same basic building blocks as the ALU i.e. an adder and a multiplexer, but also some memory. As one of the inputs to the adder has a fixed value i.e. 1, this simplifies this hardware down to an incrementer i.e. AND and XOR gates. Like the previous addition hardware this is a ripple adder, therefore, the critical path delay is a little longer than some designs. However, speed was never a design consideration for this machine :). The FPGA and TTL implementations are shown below:

Figure 7 : FPGA PC

Figure 8 : PC schematic

Note, the schematic implementation is the program counter (PC) and the Address MUX shown in the block diagram in figure 3. Again, the selection of the PC's input and output data are constructed using tri-state MUXs to save space. To further save space the two tri-state buffers ICs 5 and 6 in the schematic shown in figure 7 are implemented using the MUX module board shown in figure 5. This allows the PC to be implemented on one Logic Constructor board i.e. limited to two 20 pin ICs per board. Therefore, the control signals to this board will be a little different than the FGPA design.

ACC : Accumulator

A very simple board, an 8bit register and a 8bit NOR to implement the zero detect.

Figure 9 : ACC schematic

IR : Instruction Register

Like the ACC another very simple board, basically two 74573s (Octal D-Type Flip-flop) ICs, forming the 16 bit instruction register (IR). Also included on this board is the DATA MUX that selects operand data for the ALU i.e. 8bit immediate stored in IR or 8bit data from extermal RAM. Again, to save space these tri-state buffers will be implemented using the MUX daughter board.

MUX : Data and Address multiplers

The DATA MUX is incorporated into the instruction register (IR) board. The ADDR MUX is incorporated into the program counter (PC) board. These will be implemented using the MUX daughter board shown in figure 5.

Memory : RAM and ROM

Like the previous bread board version of this computer instruction memory is implemented using 2764 EPROMs i.e. each 16bit instruction is stored across two ICs. Data memory using a 6264 SRAM. These ICs both use a 28pin socket, unfortunately the Logic Constructor boards do not have 28pin sockets :(. Therefore, i designed a second daughter board as shown in figure 11.

Figure 10 : 2764 (EPROM) and 6264 (SRAM)

Figure 11 : Memory module

As the two memory ICs have basically the same pin-out, this module can be used by both ICs, where needed jumpers are used to disconnect, or tie high / low specific pins.

The inputs and outputs of this board are listed below :

  1. VCC
  2. NC
  3. CS2 (26) - jumper 8
  4. CS1 (20) - jumper 9
  5. OE (22) - jumper 10
  6. WE
  7. A12
  8. A11
  9. A10
  10. A9
  11. A8
  12. A7
  13. A6
  14. A5
  15. A4
  16. A3
  17. A2
  18. A1
  19. A0
  20. GND
  21. GND
  22. GND
  23. GND
  24. D7
  25. D6
  26. D5
  27. D4
  28. D3
  29. D2
  30. D1
  31. D0
  32. NU
  33. NU
  34. NU
  35. NU
  36. NU
  37. NU
  38. NU
  39. NU
  40. VCC

The complete memory implementation is shown in figure 12.

Figure 12: Memory

DECODER : Control logic

The control logic / instruction decoder is made up of a a number of different elements. Like the FPGA implementation the instruction state is represented in the processor using a ring counter, as shown in figure 13.

Figure 13: ring counter

The instructions decoder's binary to one-hot decoder is implemented using two 74138 decoders, as shown in figure 14.

Figure 14: binary to one-hot decoder

The control logic combines the instruction decoder's one-hot output with the ring counter state to implement the micro-instructions needed to implement each machine level instruction. This logic is basically the same as FGPA version, but with a couple of small modifications owing to the different multiplexers used.

G B A Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3
1 X X 1  1  1  1
0 0 0 0  1  1  1
0 0 1 1  0  1  1
0 1 0 1  1  0  1
0 1 1 1  1  1  0
ALU_CTL_0 : ADD=0, SUB=1
ALU_CTL_1 : 74139 A INPUT
ALU_CTL_2 : 74139 B INPUT 

0          0          ADD / SUB
0          1          AND 
1          0          PASS THROUGH
1          1          DISCONNECTED - HIGH IMPEDANCE


PC_SEL_0 : 74139 A INPUT
PC_SEL_1 : 74139 B INPUT

0         0         IR
0         1         PC+1 


0           0           RAM
0           1           IR
1           0           DISCONNECTED - HIGH IMPEDANCE
1           1           DISCONNECTED - HIGH IMPEDANCE

The "complete" control logic schematic is shown in figure 15. However, at this time its not tested :).

Figure 15: Decode

LED : display board

To help will debugging and to maximise the visual impact of the demo you need lots of LEDs. The logic constructor board does come with 8 LEDs, but to increase this LED count and make use of the 22 pin IC holder (not many chips use this foot print) i made a simple non-buffered LED boars as shown in figure

Figure : LED board

Creative Commons Licence

WORK "IN PROGRESS", not quite true work is paused whilst the department tries to sort out the H&S issues, to be honest its been 2 years now, so i'm not expecting a solution :(.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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